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Type 1 Diabetic Clinic and Insulin Pump Clinic

Type 1 Diabetic Clinic and Insulin Pump Clinic

Apart from the similarity in the nomenclature, there is nothing in common between type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The management of type 1 diabetes mellitus is different from that of type 2 diabetes and needs special expertise and training for the treating physician.

Specialized care for type 1 diabetes mellitus is even more important when we consider the fact that India houses maximum number of type 1 diabetic patients in the world. As per International Diabetes Federation Diabetes Atlas 2019, there are fifteen thousand nine hundred new cases in India. It is estimated that type 1 diabetes forms 5% of the total diabetes population in Kerala.

Increasing prevalence of type 1 diabetes has been attributed to non-genetic factors like inappropriate feeding in the infancy and lifestyle related changes including weight gain. Obesity is more prevalent in this population in Asia. To meet the challenges posed by this disease entity, we run special clinic for type 1 diabetic patients. We have over 100 patients registered in this clinic. These patients receive comprehensive diabetes educational support.

The scope of this program includes psycho-social and emotional support, parental counseling, dietary management and support for day-to day care at home and school/ workplace. All these patients are being managed using multiple subcutaneous insulin injections or insulin pump therapy. Since insulin pump therapy is considered the gold standard, we offer comprehensive pump training to all our patients which not only improve their confidence in using the pump but also help them to get the best results out it.